How to Sequence Vinyasa Classes

Sequencing is an art form. Given the right tools, anyone can create a good class by reading bodies and responding to energies. Teachers show up…

Six Yoga Poses to Help Reduce Anxiety

We go through moments in life that make us worried, stressed, and very anxious…so anxious that our thought patterns are distorted, or we become immobile…

What is the difference between Yoga and Gymnastics?

At first glance, yoga and gymnastics are not that different from one another. You only need to scroll through your Instagram feed to see that…

How to Activate Root Lock?

The root lock, or Mula Bandha, is defined by B.K.S. Iyengar as “a posture where the body from the anus to the navel is contracted and lifted…

Legs up the wall pose: 6 benefits

Viparita Karani, or Legs up the Wall Pose, is a vital posture of yoga that helps the mind and body relax and relieves tension and…

Seasonal Yoga for Autumn

What is Seasonal Yoga? Seasonal yoga is a dynamic practice that aims to help the practitioner stay in harmony with nature’s changing energies. The seasons…

What Om and Namaste Actually mean

“Om” and “namaste” are two phrases that we hear over and over again in the yoga community. But do you know exactly what they mean?…

The Benefits of Arm Balances

Leonardo da Vinci is famous for the words, “Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for…

The Intermediate Practice: Stepping up from Beginner to Intermediate Practice

What is the difference between a beginner and an intermediate practitioner? Say you’ve been at the practice for a number of months but don’t trust…

Bowing down: 7 yoga poses embodying gratitude

I’ve always turned to yoga because it helps me to express what I can’t put into words. These seven poses help cultivate gratitude for ourselves…